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Joely Saravia is a graphic designer and illustrator living and working in NYC. Check out exhibitions she has been a part of and curated!

Roots & Reflections | September 7-Oct 4, 2024, NYC

“Roots and Reflections” celebrates the unique experiences of Latinx artists born in the U.S. This exhibition explores the duality of honoring cultural heritage while reflecting on contemporary American life, encapsulated in the phrase "ni de aquí ni de allá"—neither from here nor there. Featuring the work of 5 U.S.-born Latinx artists, it offers a heartfelt look at how their Latinx identities influence their art despite not being born in their ancestral lands. Discover how these artists navigate and celebrate their rich cultural backgrounds through their creative expressions.

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Lucy's Sofrito | 2022, NY Botanical Garden

Sofrito is a fragrant blend of vegetables, herbs, and spices used to season dishes such as stews, beans, and meat. It is used in cooking throughout the Caribbean, especially Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Through the art of printmaking, you are invited to create your own sofrito. I invited guests to use paper and crayons to create rubbings of the ingredients on the table. When each ingredient is transferred, it creates a finished art piece. Everyone’s sofrito is unique, your art pieces will be too.


© 2024 by Joely Saravia. Proudly created with/creado con orgullo con

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