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My 25th Birthday!

Today is my birthday!!!!!!!! Okay so now that I'm turning a quarter century, I wanted to amp up my shoe game and go a little out of my comfort zone. I bought these beautiful orange, fringe back heels from Nine West (on sale) and centered my outfit around them. Once I saw this simple floral pattern dress in Old Navy for twenty bucks (with coupon) I was sold! A couple of days later I decided to add the belt because I thought the baggy t-shirt look didn't fit my petite frame. My hair in the usual go-to beachy waves and my makeup kept simple with some eyeliner and gold shimmer eyeshadow. I'm wearing floral, let's not get crazy with the colors on my face. All I wanted was a canary yellow clutch though!

I celebrated with a birthday brunch at one of my favorite rooftops, Haven, above the Sanctuary Hotel. They have a great deal for a $29 prix-fixe on Sundays! I got a brunch pizza and a berry sangria. Loved it!

Happy Birthday to me!!!!

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