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Custom Pillow - DIY

Once my brother saw this fabric at Jo-Ann Fabric he knew he wanted a pillow made with it. We are big fans of 90's cartoons and I thought this would be a fun little side project. How great was Rocko's Modern Life?! 

I had a 16x16in pillow insert that's been waiting on a mate, and I've been making a lot of pillows recently so it was a breeze. Just cut two pieces of fabric 16x16in, sew 3 of the sides up with a half inch seam allowance,  and on the fourth side leave a little space for the pillow to be put in. To seal it up I used this video and it taught me how to do a ladder stitch. Happy sewing guys!

My lovely new rotary cutter!

 Little Bertha, my sewing machine!

 Checking that it fits!


The pillow insert was about $3 at my local discount store but you can also get them from Michael's for $8-$12. The fabric was on sale at Jo-Ann Fabric for about $7 a yard. 

Hope you guys are inspired to do your own DIYs! Thanks for checking this one out!

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