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Halloween Costume DIY

Happy Halloween! Being that it is one of my favorite Holidays, and I love to make things, I always make my costume every year! Check out last year's costume here. I love keeping up with my food theme, so this year I decided to be GRAPES! This costume cost me a total of $3. I love being on budget! A lot of the stuff I already had because I'm a crafting hoarder...but that's besides the point. On to the costume!

What you'll need: Newspaper Purple Plastic Tablecloth Tape Hot Glue Scissors Shirt Green Construction Paper Instructions: First, open up your tablecloth and cut it into squares. The folds should help you section them off. My tablecloth was a little transparent so I doubled my layer.

Next, separate each page of newspaper and roll it up into a ball. Not too tight. Plan out your triangle as you make the balls.

Then, cover each ball of newspaper with the purple tablecloth piece.

After that, you want to tape all the edges of the tablecloth down so the newspaper isn't visible.

Make sure you plan out how the grapes will line up on your shirt before you start gluing!

I put the shirt on before gluing my grapes because I wanted them in very specific spots. Looking back I could have done it differently because after the first row of grapes was glued, I couldn't see the rest of the rows! I laid a sheet of construction paper under my shirt so I wouldn't get burned by the glue.

To Make the Leaf Headband: Make a stencil out of plain white paper of a grape leaf. I found one online that I traced. Trace it onto the green construction paper and layer the paper so you can cut out 4 leaves at the same time.

For the vines, I traced my roll of tape to make a perfect circle so that I can cut out a spiral. To do this, I kept cutting around and around with my scissor without cutting the edge. This will create the spiral shape out of the construction paper.

I already had this green ribbon from another DIY I did so I just taped my leaves and vines onto it to make the headband. I wasn't worried about making it look perfect, I just wanted to to be nice and sturdy to stay in place.

Once I put everything together I was surprised at how well it came out!

This costume was so much fun to make! I liked that I could still get around and go to parties without discomfort. It was also really light in weight! I did my makeup to match my costume, super fun!

Thanks for checking out this DIY! I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!

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