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Santa Frame - DIY

I have been itching to do a decorative DIY piece for the holidays! Yes, yes, I know Thanksgiving hasn't even passed yet but I like to get festive early! If I come up with an idea for a Thanksgiving project I will definitely post it but this came into my head first and I got excited! I am a crafting hoarder, so that means I have a lot of tissue paper, ribbon, wrapping paper, paper of all kinds, and random junk stored away for future use. I happened to have an empty frame that I got in the clearance section at Michael's years ago for $2.49 that I never used so I looked up ways I can spruce it up. There were a bunch of ideas for frames with glass already in it, but my frame didn't have any glass. The idea then popped into my head to create Santa's beard out of these bells I had left over from an ugly Christmas Sweater I made in 2015. I liked the idea of a 3D element in this project. The materials I used were: a frame, a picture of Santa, scissors, red fabric, green foam, and a hot glue gun. Also colored pencils to trace and color.

First I looked up a picture of Santa Claus online to use as reference. I liked this Santa Calendar because it helped me use the circles as a guide for the bells. I traced it out and had my sister help me color Santa's face.

Next, I cut out the red and green shapes for the hat and mistletoe out of the fabric and foam. (Scraps I had leftover from other projects...)

Then, I put the drawing into the frame before placing the bells because I thought it would be easier to glue on that way. I used my hot glue gun to glue everything into place.

Finally, I wasn't really feeling the lime green color of the frame so I painted it with this black chalkboard paint I got for a previous DIY project.

Now my frame is dry and ready to be hung! This project was fun and it was nice to have the help of my family.

It even jingles!!

Thanks for checking out this DIY! Hope it gets you in the Holiday spirit!

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